Sustainability Basic Policy

Sustainability Basic Policy
The Titan Kogyo Group pursues future-oriented management for the prosperity of both our company and society on the basis of our corporate philosophy and guiding principles, and we contribute to achieving a sustainable society while enhancing our medium-term and long-term corporate value.
Identifying Key Issues
Our Group has established a Basic Sustainability Policy, identifying key issues that are important for enhancing our medium-term and long-term corporate value and for achieving a sustainable society.
Specifically, based on the recognition that addressing sustainability-related issues is an important management issue for not only reducing risk in the Group’s business activities but also for creating future profit opportunities, we identify items related to social and environmental issues on which we can focus our business and achieve results, and our Board of Directors ultimately decides which items are to be regarded as key issues and then monitors our progress in those areas.
Key Issues:
1. Consideration for global environmental issues, such as climate change
2. Fair and proper transactions with suppliers
3. Crisis management during natural disasters
4. Fair and proper treatment of employees and consideration regarding their health and work environment
5. Investing in human capital
6. Investing in intellectual property
Efforts Related to Key Issues
Our Group’s efforts related to key issues are as follows.
Consideration for Global Environmental Issues, Such as Climate Change
Our Group has established an SDGs action plan, and we are working to reduce our environmental footprint through energy conservation, waste reduction, avoidance of marine pollution, and other measures. We also promote awareness of 17 SDGs right from the product development stage, and our efforts at environmental conservation include promoting joint research with universities.

Fair and Proper Transactions with Suppliers
Our Group has established a sustainable materials procurement policy and is committed to the following procurement-related activities with the goal of facilitating frictionless and competitive business activities, conducting global environmental conservation activities, complying with laws, regulations, and social norms, and achieving a sustainable society.
1. Reliable procurement of products and services at reasonable prices in accordance with customer requirements while pursuing safety and quality
2. Prioritizing procurement products and services that are conscious about reducing their environmental impact
3. Procurement based on providing fair business opportunities and making impartial assessments
4. Procurement aimed at long-term, mutually prosperous business relationships with suppliers

Crisis Management During Natural Disasters
Our Group has established a basic BCP policy and is promoting initiatives to minimize the impact of business interruptions in the event of an emergency, to maintain corporate credibility and competitiveness, and to protect the interests of its numerous stakeholders, including important customers, suppliers, the supply chain, and employees.
Specifically, in order to protect the interests of stakeholders, we have formulated a BCP in anticipation of natural disasters and other events that might impact the continuity of our Group’s business, and we have thoroughly disseminated this BCP throughout the Group. Additionally, we review our BCP annually so that it reflects the latest information.

Fair and Proper Treatment of Employees With Regard to Health and Work Environment
Our Group has established a human resource development policy, and we are committed to treating employees fairly and properly and giving consideration to their health and work environment as well as achieving balance between job satisfaction and growth to make our company a vibrant place to work.
Specifically, we help employees achieve a better work-life balance by reducing overtime through the computerization and streamlining of business duties, by introducing no-overtime days, by encouraging employees to take paid leave, and by expanding our shortened work hour program for child care. We are implementing measures, such as health counseling and health guidance for employees found to have health-related issues following health checkups, in order to ensure the health of our employees. In addition to the above, we have established a fair and proper personnel system that includes promoting contract workers and part-time workers to full-time positions.

Investing in Human Capital
Our Group has established a human resource development policy and invests in human resource development and improvements to our internal work environments aimed at maintaining diversity in order to enhance medium-term and long-term corporate value and achieve a sustainable society on the basis of our corporate philosophy and guiding principles.
Specifically, in order to create an environment in which each employee can make the most of their abilities and actively pursue growth regardless of nationality, gender, work history, and age, we provide rank-specific training, such as management training and training for new employees, and we support self-development through distance learning, English lessons, and other programs in order to develop employees’ abilities and improve their skills.

Investing in Intellectual Property
Our Group has established an intellectual property investment policy, and we leverage the six core technologies that are our company’s strengths in order to develop products that meet various regulations and needs, to expand basic technologies, to develop distinct, new products, and to acquire the patents that we need for sustainable growth. We also actively investigate and make investments in R&D and patent applications for products that contribute to solving problems raised by the SDGs.