Health Management

Health Management

Health Management

At Titan Kogyo, we believe that the physical and mental health of our employees is the foundation for implementing our corporate philosophy and achieving our mid-term management plan. Our commitment to health management ensures that our employees will enjoy good health, both physically and mentally, and will thus be able to maximize their individual abilities.

Organizational Structure

The Director of General Affairs is also the Chief Health Management Officer. This Director works in cooperation with occupational physicians and public health nurses to formulate health management initiatives, and he or she reports on the progress of these initiatives to the Board of Directors.

Basic Policy

  • ・We maintain and promote good physical and mental health for our employees.
  • ・We carry out initiatives for improving our employees’ lifestyles and dietary habits in order to prevent illness.
  • ・We regularly provide health-related information in order to raise the health awareness of our employees.
  • ・We evaluate the results of health checkups in order to improve our policies.

Performance of Indicators Related to Health Management

Titan Kogyo is committed to health management in accordance with our basic policy. In order to lower the incidence rate of health-related issues, we will be implementing a variety of activities in the future, including initiatives to improve lifestyle and eating habits.

Item FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Incidence rate of health issues discovered during health checkups 69.1% 71.0% 68.7%
Percentage of people receiving instructions on specific health issues 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Percentage of people of appropriate weight
(employees with a BMI of at least 18.5 but less than 25)
70.8% 68.6% 69.6%
Percentage of people who regularly exercise 35.0% 30.2% 28.8%
Percentage of people who smoke 29.8% 29.3% 30.4%
Percentage of people with high stress 9.6% 11.5% 13.2%

*Figures are rounded to first decimal place.

Health Management Strategy Map

Our company issues and health management efforts have been compiled into a strategy map.

Health Management Strategy Map(336KB)

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Dream materials company
 Titan Kogyo ,Ltd.