Compliance Action Guidelines

Company Compliance

Compliance Action Guidelines

All directors and employees of the Titan Kogyo Group shall engage in business practices while considering the common good in society and in accordance with following principles.

1. Providing useful products and services
We shall develop and provide products and services while duly considering their safety and usefulness to society in order to gain the trust of our customers.
2. Fairness and transparency of corporate activities
We shall engage in fair and transparent corporate activities while adhering to the laws and social norms and standards.
3. Active disclosure of information
We shall engage and communicate with the whole of society by justly disclosing corporate information at the proper time.
4. Respect of employees
We shall provide comfort and wealth for the employees, ensure a safe and pleasant working environment and respect the character and individuality of each employee.
5. Environmental preservation
We shall recognize the importance of the environmental issues and engage independently and actively in practices to ensure environmental preservation.
6. Social contribution
As a member of the local and international community, we shall contribute to the development of all related regions.
7. Role of top management
The top management shall use these guiding principles as an example for all employees to follow, including the group companies.
In addition, the top management shall maintain an effective internal system and ensure that business ethics are practiced throughout the company.
8. Appropriate measures
If an action or condition exists that acts contrary to these guidelines, the top management shall reveal the corporate approach to solve the problem, troubleshoot the cause and strive to prevent further occurrences. In addition, the management shall fulfill our responsibility to quickly disclose accurate information and necessary explanations to the community, and we shall take the appropriate steps and measures.
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Dream materials company
 Titan Kogyo ,Ltd.